Posted by jamarjones Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 12:51 PM
Posted by jamarjones Monday, December 22, 2008 at 2:03 PM
Check out the latest installment of my REEL! tell me what you think!
MYDISPLAY MMP REEL from jamar on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones at 12:57 PM
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Up until now, being that thing wasn't the problem, it was growing up that got me. I mean hey dont get me wrong once you get past all of the bills debt and soon to be school loans on top of the things that already have been sent to collections the sun is still shining right? RIGHT?
OK... Get back to me on that one!
We all know that we had that moment in our life when we set off on a quest to find that one person that had the answer to that one question; knowing that the answer would be what they want instead of what they need just to reassure and justify the action they already set in motion. Ladies and gentleman I do believe that person, is me! (gasp, why I never he was such a good boy. [says the audience])
I know what must be done but I refuse to let this happen! In one of my favorite movies The Family Man with Nicholas Kim Coppola Cage (govt) decides... Well you look @ it
And Cut!
All the life lessons we will ever need are in movies but I will save that for a later time!
I am in this position "almost", but my thing is I dont want it to come to this because what you dont see is that they didn't stay together and he lives the rest of his life wanting her back! (go watch it!)
Giving the industry that I am in (mass media) I know that the burden of leaving the one that I love or letting the one that I love leave me will darken my doorway and fill my life with sadness. I say that to say; what do I do when that day comes? And what if I'm not in the drivers seat that determines the outcome of that decision? Will I end up like Mr. Cage?(I know what seems best but.....)
Here is a success media related story with limited background info!
Intro: From Cowboy To Astronaut from Jeremy Fuksa:Creative Generalist on Vimeo.
Sounds good huh?!!
yeah but I don't know if he had someone that he loved more than his self not to leave and pursue another life without her(I'm not saying that he loves his self more than anything else its just a quote from Good Will Hunting that applies)!!!
What do I want to be when I grow up? I don't have to be a surgeon, Colonel (I hate the way that's spelled by the way) or even a hockey goalie or anything crazy nerve wrecking like that! The answer is simple! I can be the manager @ Home Depot if it means that I can come home to her love every night!(awwww [the audience again])
so now I pose the question to you my diligent readers. What do you want to be when you grow up? And if you are already grown, are you really doing what you want? Are you happy? When answering this question it helps if you ask your self.......
How can one live with out the thing that makes life worth living?
Short answer! you cant!