Hey J, we don't know where you work!

Oh word? My Bad!! I got you son!
Well to tell the truth I work for my self first, and then comes the secondary which would be WEAA. To get to the real meat and purpose of the story, I work with TVM Production as a photographer.(If you didn't know that means camera man still and otherwise.)TVM Pro is a company that offers media coverage for various events in Baltimore such as the video below with Groove Stu!

Thats hot right yeah I know. But it hasn't always been this way. I'm just happy that I have the opportunity to work with a growing company. And if you were wondering I was not at this event I didn't start working with them and prove my self until that event had been long gone.

Question: Hey Ja-Mar what do you mean "had to prove my self"?

Well, what a handsome question.
Basically that means that I had to show my supervisor what visual and audios skills I posses so they would know where they can utilize me. I can tell you now, I'm everywhere media is and writing is not! I know its apart of media but I just cont do it, and I know that now!

I'll hit you guys up tomorrow with some more from the adventures of the 3rd semester senior.