This Guy is tight!

I dare you to tell me that his pictures arn't tight! Go I dare you !!
Check out his blog


  aaron eskaran

June 14, 2008 at 5:14 AM

thanks for the kind words...

Your stuff is inspiring! Keep in touch man. I'm in Hawaii now but hopefully we'll be able to catch up in the mainland sometime.



June 14, 2008 at 6:44 AM

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June 14, 2008 at 7:07 AM

hey man I just want say thanks for hitting up my blog and I shout people out to show respect, because I know its hard doing what you love and still working with the rest of the world. I am an inspiring photographer among many other things, and I am hoping to get where you are real soon. I just need a light kit. Right now I'm using just a bounce card as you can tell from my relativity picture (all in my glasses!). But anyway I'll stay in touch as I go deeper in the way of the photographer.