Posted by jamarjones Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 12:51 PM
Posted by jamarjones Monday, December 22, 2008 at 2:03 PM
Check out the latest installment of my REEL! tell me what you think!
MYDISPLAY MMP REEL from jamar on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones at 12:57 PM
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Up until now, being that thing wasn't the problem, it was growing up that got me. I mean hey dont get me wrong once you get past all of the bills debt and soon to be school loans on top of the things that already have been sent to collections the sun is still shining right? RIGHT?
OK... Get back to me on that one!
We all know that we had that moment in our life when we set off on a quest to find that one person that had the answer to that one question; knowing that the answer would be what they want instead of what they need just to reassure and justify the action they already set in motion. Ladies and gentleman I do believe that person, is me! (gasp, why I never he was such a good boy. [says the audience])
I know what must be done but I refuse to let this happen! In one of my favorite movies The Family Man with Nicholas Kim Coppola Cage (govt) decides... Well you look @ it
And Cut!
All the life lessons we will ever need are in movies but I will save that for a later time!
I am in this position "almost", but my thing is I dont want it to come to this because what you dont see is that they didn't stay together and he lives the rest of his life wanting her back! (go watch it!)
Giving the industry that I am in (mass media) I know that the burden of leaving the one that I love or letting the one that I love leave me will darken my doorway and fill my life with sadness. I say that to say; what do I do when that day comes? And what if I'm not in the drivers seat that determines the outcome of that decision? Will I end up like Mr. Cage?(I know what seems best but.....)
Here is a success media related story with limited background info!
Intro: From Cowboy To Astronaut from Jeremy Fuksa:Creative Generalist on Vimeo.
Sounds good huh?!!
yeah but I don't know if he had someone that he loved more than his self not to leave and pursue another life without her(I'm not saying that he loves his self more than anything else its just a quote from Good Will Hunting that applies)!!!
What do I want to be when I grow up? I don't have to be a surgeon, Colonel (I hate the way that's spelled by the way) or even a hockey goalie or anything crazy nerve wrecking like that! The answer is simple! I can be the manager @ Home Depot if it means that I can come home to her love every night!(awwww [the audience again])
so now I pose the question to you my diligent readers. What do you want to be when you grow up? And if you are already grown, are you really doing what you want? Are you happy? When answering this question it helps if you ask your self.......
How can one live with out the thing that makes life worth living?
Short answer! you cant!
Posted by jamarjones at 1:33 AM
Kung Fu Red from Michael Scott on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones Thursday, July 3, 2008 at 7:38 AM
Facebook Gangsta from Facebook Gangsta on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones at 3:41 PM
I was taking a break from writing this pitch letter(I'll get into that later, just keep me in your prayers) and I found this song. Check it out.
Arctic Monkeys - 505 - Elusive Films from Elusive Films on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 8:48 PM
I was eating some chinese food today and everyone was telling thier fortune from thier cookie, and it finally got to me. It said "soon you will be on top of the world". But my question is what is on top of the world to you? I have a lot of things that I would say that make me feel like I'm on top of the world, but if I had to pick a material thing. It would be!!!!
A guide to the Letus Extreme & 35mm adaptors from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 8:19 PM
This is all I have to say:
Boondocks -Season 1 The R.Kelly Trail
Posted by jamarjones at 12:20 PM
Because I hang around people that write things like this:
The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything that they have.
The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it,
learn from it and change. So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or
anger but in wisdom, understanding and love.
Edots wrote that! This is my teacher. Nah really he is my teacher Tv Production (all of it)
Check out Edots blog
Posted by jamarjones at 12:13 PM
A good friend of mine asked me what my blog is about. SO just to put it out there. My blog is mainly about photography and film. Giving people props when props is due (along with incorporating my own work). People feel good when someone else takes the time to admire their work. From first hand experience it takes a lot to do what you want, but it takes even more to face obstacles and to continue to push forward. And I think everyone needs a cheering section of their own. Don't you agree?
Posted by jamarjones at 9:16 PM
Take time and make a celebration of the small things!
Crosswalk Countdown - GuerilLA from Kelly Herrington on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones at 8:58 PM
Hey I just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog and stay tuned I will post a schedule for the posting so you guys dont miss anything were going to get into a little of everything, from how to start a business to going green more ways than one. But you know I'm a film guy so get your eye drops ready for some serious screen watchin!
If you think about it, its all relative. Everything is connected one way or another!
Posted by jamarjones Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 10:18 PM
Bloom, Philip Bloom his work is amazing. I am not one that would jump on somebody like that about what they do but I am jealous of what he can do with a camera. I will be that good one day and even better! Believe it!!!
check this out. all he does now is make his own films and endorse film products. I guess thats what happens when you get that nice!
A guide to the Reflecmedia Litering from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
This is why I love this guy check this out and tell me... Nah tell him what you think
and tell him I sent you email him @
Homeless Portraits from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
Life Of Crime: Bruce Reynolds HD from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
Posted by jamarjones at 9:26 PM
I dare you to tell me that his pictures arn't tight! Go I dare you !!
Check out his blog
Posted by jamarjones at 9:22 PM
aw man I really got some good reviews from this tell me what you think.
Posted by jamarjones Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 12:46 PM
GOT GREEN by GREENSPAN. Rap artist in Baltimore that has some talent I must say pass it on, tell your friends. find him on myspace make a new friend today!
Posted by jamarjones at 7:44 AM
Posted by jamarjones Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 3:27 PM
Dont stop is the name of the game! Why? B/c I need you to stay tuned to what I have to tell you. Some interesting things happening with my internship; I actually got a chance to use my skills in video. Also look for post in new weekly format I will have them to you this week love you guys.
Post Script
I do apologize for the lack of posting, but change gone come!
Posted by jamarjones Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 8:58 AM
Did I forget to mention that I stay on the look out for events that come to the DMV and
alert my supervisor so we could put in our bid to film part or the whole thing.
Posted by jamarjones at 8:47 AM
What to do, What to do, when your with a job with nothing to do?!!
Hey guys hows it going? I was going to post like I usually do; well
maybe not here but I usually post on Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately
I have been in a rut (Spell check). I have nothing to say about my internship!
If I could think of anything to say I would say that I have plenty of time to research
things that I would like to do, get school or some other work done. And yes I'm @ work right now, getting ready to leave for class. Oh yeah I have a new duty that I perform. I search the internet all day and find companies that use interactive communication for their clients, but instead of keeping tabs on the competition, I am contacting them to solicit video integration on their website. Sounds fun huh? see yah when I see yah.
Posted by jamarjones at 7:37 PM
Oh word? My Bad!! I got you son!
Well to tell the truth I work for my self first, and then comes the secondary which would be WEAA. To get to the real meat and purpose of the story, I work with TVM Production as a photographer.(If you didn't know that means camera man still and otherwise.)TVM Pro is a company that offers media coverage for various events in Baltimore such as the video below with Groove Stu!
Thats hot right yeah I know. But it hasn't always been this way. I'm just happy that I have the opportunity to work with a growing company. And if you were wondering I was not at this event I didn't start working with them and prove my self until that event had been long gone.
Question: Hey Ja-Mar what do you mean "had to prove my self"?
Well, what a handsome question.
Basically that means that I had to show my supervisor what visual and audios skills I posses so they would know where they can utilize me. I can tell you now, I'm everywhere media is and writing is not! I know its apart of media but I just cont do it, and I know that now!
I'll hit you guys up tomorrow with some more from the adventures of the 3rd semester senior.
Posted by jamarjones at 7:26 PM
Yeah that was my birth day!!!
wahoo yippee...... right???......Wrong!
Do you know what I did for my B-day?
B/c it was a Monday, I went to school
only to receive a huge pile of work and
then come home to edit a project that didn't
get done until 6:00pm the next day!!!
yeah happy F^*%ing birthday to me!!!!
Posted by jamarjones at 7:13 PM
Hey guys I know I have been slippin in my blogspot pimpin and I owe a whole lot of updates on me and my fabulous time with TVM productions!!!
But for now I can tell you this……
In the past few weeks I have been lacking in internship experience but getting more experience with other school ventures. After I finished and edited all school and related projects, I submitted them to my TVM Pro supervisor and received a critique and credited time in return.
You like apples?……. How bout them apples!!
(I’ll hand deliver you $10 if you can tell me what movie I got that from)
Stay tuned I have lots more to tell you. I missed a whole lot of time so I’ll try to keep things in order and coming faster!!!
Posted by jamarjones Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 9:21 AM
Posted by jamarjones Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 6:24 PM
My first assignment was to set up and execute a photo shoot utilizing creative/dramatic light. Before I received my internship I was asked to explain my reason for pursuing this job. Besides mandatory school credit, I chose this particular internship so I can have a opportunity to practice and sharpen my skills as a photographer. Photography as you should know goes hand and hand with motion pictures via cinematography, which is one of my eventual professional destinations. After my supervisor understood my focus he threw me right into the swing of things, which I think is always better than lecture, I'm a hands on learner. So with out further delay these are my results.
So am I ready for the shot or should I apply w/ Lifetouch?